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March Featured Artist: Sunday (1994)

Writer: Josh KitchenJosh Kitchen

March 1, 2024 / By: Josh Kitchen

Sunday (1994) is a brand new indie band who've just released their debut single, "Tired Boy." Consisting of Paige Turner, Lee Newell, and X, Sunday (1994)'s music has been simmering over on Tik-Tok for the last eight months, and "Tired Boy" evokes a not too distant, melancholic and dreamy nostalgia for 1990's romance films and the possibilities of more in life, without ruling out the beauty in mundanity. I spoke with Sunday (1994) in their first interview as a band to learn a little about who they are, where they're going, and their plans for world domination.

Tell me a little about Sunday (1994). 1994 was 30 years ago! What does this time period mean to you?

One of us was born that year, can you guess which? When we came up with the band name, we always felt our songs sounded cinematic, like when the credits roll. So that’s why we stylized our band name like a film. Sixteen Candles (1984), Trainspotting (1996), Sunday (1994).

Congratulations on the release of "Tired Boy!" It was just released on Friday. Tell me about how it felt to put your first single out there into the world.

Thank you! It was exhilarating, actually. I recommend everyone do it. It’s a very strange feeling to see people be genuinely moved by something you made. It’s a special feeling. Inject it into my arms. We felt very grateful to get the reaction we did.

These lyrics from Tired Boy floored me: "We're always at your place even though it's a pigsty/but so is your life and your mind/but I told you that I'd die for you again and again." It doesn't get more honest than that, and I think a lot of listeners would probably relate to that feeling. Talk about that feeling of a loving resignation set to such dreamy music.

That’s very kind, thank you. I think it’s less of a resignation and more of an acceptance. Love is subjective of course, but for me when it is real they can do no wrong. Well, within reason. Saying you’d die for someone is the ultimate declaration. Especially if they live in a shithole.

Your music evokes such a visceral vision of pop and indie romance. I love all the great film clips on your Tik-Tok like Clueless, 500 Days of Summer, and Lady Bird. Talk about film's influence on your music.

Well it sort of happened by accident really. Our lyrics are very visual, so you see the film in your mind’s eye. We paired our songs with films that made sense, and it just sort of worked. It’s a lot of fun changing the soundtrack to your favourite films! It can also be quite distressing. Excellent!

Listening to "Tired Boy," and watching the music video, I'm struck by the scenes of every day, often suburban life. I think there's a lot to be said about finding the beauty in those moments of domesticity, silence, quiet, and nostalgia. Talk a bit how your music finds the beauty in everyday life.

It doesn’t just find the beauty, it often finds the beast as well… Which you’ll see in future songs. But our songs are all of our experiences, and we are just regular people at the end of the day. So we have to find beauty somewhere! May as well start at home. Plus we didn’t have the budget to hire Christopher Nolan for this music video. Maybe the next?

On Setlist Kitchen, I like to talk to connect to artists through live music. What was your first concert you ever attended? The best? the last one?

Our first concerts -

Lee - My first proper gig was Reading Festival 2002, a baptism of fire for a wee boy.

Paige - My earliest memory was watching my Grandpa Joe play drums at a jazz club called Charlie O’s.

X - Paul McCartney at Hollywood Bowl

Finally - what's next? When can we expect to see you guys on the road, and can you share anything about the album release?

We’ve got two more singles coming up then a 6-track EP. We’re working on the live show now, so shouldn’t be too long until we’re right there, in the flesh, in front of you. Keep an eye on our socials for announcements! Thank you!

"Tired Boy" is out now on all streaming services. Follow Sunday (1994) here!


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